Sunday, January 17, 2010

Going to Maya country!

This year started with unseasonably cold temperatures even in coastal Georgia, and, after freezing for a few days, I had enough of both the cold and - to be honest - of too much leisure, as I have only worked very little during the last six months and started having vivid dreams in which my brain talked to me complaining: "Please don't put me on a permanent retirement, if you want me to continue to work for you. I need more intellectual stimulation, I need more challenge. Let's have another adventure, shall we!"
So I gave in... after founding a very exciting opportunity: a ground breaking model of nature conservation by indigenous people - in this case: Q'eqchi' Maya in southern Belize.
In a few weeks I'll be there... supporting this model, helping to make it sustainable, so it could attract replication elsewhere.
My leisure retirement in Georgia will have to wait... again.
And I do hope my body would do its best to keep up with my brain's demands.
Belize is far too interesting a destination to just work there. :-)
Such a fabulous snorkeling: Sapodilla Cayes, here I come!

1 comment:

zooms said...

Yey, my friend, so looking forward to hearing all about your latest adventures.