Monday, December 24, 2007

My secret Christmas wish list

I have been nursing my secret blogger' s Christmas wih list for a few weeks.
I wished that I could paint like Heather, photograph like Carina, write like Jen or Sara, etc. etc.

But when a time came to post it.... the monopoly cable company operating in Aguada, Choice Cable, the most incompetent, uncaring and, perhaps, corrupted cable company in the entire world, gave me - and everybody else here a Christmas present we are likely to remember a long time: 4 days so far- and counting - without internet!

(I finally got connected through a slow like molasses, but working! oh miracle! dial up connection. )

So my top priority wish is a different cable company! What's yours?


zooms said...

Had the same problem here but only for 24 hours, my Christmas wish?
Peace and love and a good life for all, well wishes do come true, don't they?
Happy Christmas to you Minerva.x

Jen Miller said...

I am wishing for a home of my own in 2008. I am feeling the urge for my own nest...

Thank you so much for the kind words about my scribbling. It means a lot to me that you say this!

I hope your holidays are wonderful and you are soon zipping along with high speed connections!

Minerva said...

Thanks, Zooms and Jen!