During the last weekend of February, after my assignment at Ann Wigmore ended, I decided I should now have enough time for both the beach and the garden, so on my way home from the last day at work I dropped in to a local nursery, purchased a big pot with a pretty white "Iceberg" rose ( I remembered it doing fabulously in Sweden and I wondered how would it perform in the tropics) and three smaller pots of bleeding heart wine (no, it is not the same as dicentra spectabilis, called bleeding heart in the USA and a "lieutenant's heart" (loejtnanshjaerta) in Sweden - not even close botanically, but a similar visual concept, although in different colors).
I planted the rose and one of the bleeding heart directly in the border, just outside my patio.
I planted the other two bleeding heart vines at the opposite ends of a long, white flower box and between them put a few sprouted seeds of moon flower vine (Ipomoea Alba).
I planted the other two bleeding heart vines at the opposite ends of a long, white flower box and between them put a few sprouted seeds of moon flower vine (Ipomoea Alba).
After five days the first moon flower plant emerged cautiously, but grew fast.
Already the next morning the first plant had two well developed leaves and the second one emerged
In the second long, white flower box I decided to have some herbs. So I planted the seeds of three different kinds. Here is dill- you guessed it, right? OK, it is shy after only five days
but two weeks later it looks much more lush, doesn't it?
And here is basil - five days after sowing
and again today, after two more weeks.
But the third herb, chives, looks exactly the same as it did when I planted its seeds. I know it has a lot longer germination time than both basil and dill, but I am started to resign myself that there will be no chives, if I do not plant them again. :-((
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